Please feel free to contact us with any questions, information, comments or gossip that you may have to do with local pubs, breweries and beer. Everyone listed here is a volunteer so although you will get a reply please do be patient - we have day jobs too!
- Chair Malcolm Phillipsku.gro.armac.dnalnef@riahc
- Branch Contact and Membership Rachel Atkinku.gro.armac.dnalnef@tcatnoc.hcnarb
- Secretary Vacancy
- Treasurer
Geoff Dysonku.gro.armac.dnalnef@rerusaert
Geoff is also the Brewery Liaison Officer for Horncastle Ales
- Social Secretary John Huntku.gro.armac.dnalnef@yraterces.laicos07923 489917
- Committee Member
David Mellor
David is the Brewery Liaison Officer for Austendyke Brewery and Welland Brewery.
- Committee Member
Keith Collishaw
Keith is the Brewery Liaison Officer for Leila Cottage Brewery and 8-Sail Brewery.
- Committee Member
Nigel Woodburn
Nigel is the Brewery Liaison Officer for Bateman Brewery.
- Committee Member John Gilmore
- Webmaster
Malcolm Phillipsku.gro.armac.dnalnef@retsambew
Malcolm is also the Pubs Officer.