
Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Bank Holiday Social at Sleaford Cricket Club

Fenland folk enjoyed a pleasant day at the cricket along with a dozen real ales on Saturday at Sleaford Cricket Club. Although the bank holiday weather lived up to its name with a few showers delaying the match between Sleaford 2nds and Billingborough this didn't stop the imbibers sampling the delights of the range of beers. One of the favourite ales was Hop Twister from Salopian, the barrel sponsored by our very own Webmeister.

The beers Fenland Group Beer List Beer List

As for the cricket, well, several of the party took a keen interest in the action and scores between sampling most of the range of beers. The cricket and beer fest ran over the weekend and resulted in Sleaford teams losing on Saturday, but winning on Sunday and Monday, and the beer fest pronounced a definite winner.

Cricket Club The Match