
February 2025 Pub Survey of Boston

On Saturday 22nd February, 10 members met up at the Eagle in Boston for the monthly social. This month it was to conduct surveys of Boston town centre pubs. Many of these had not had a full survey since January 2020 and the start of Covid.

Group assemble at the Eagle Group at the Eagle

Prior to meeting at the Eagle, your scribe visited The Witham near Grand Sluice to record the changes since becoming a Grill Restaurant and Bar, and to check on the Unicorn which is currently closed with no information as to what will happen. The route from there to the Eagle passed the Great Northern which is now The Party Hub, a leisure facility with Spa and Sauna available for hire.

After sampling the Castle Rock and 8 Sail beers on offer at the Eagle, the group headed along Westgate to the Golden Lion, passing Los Burritos, a restaurant and bar in part of the old Axe and Cleaver pub. The Golden Lion had Wadworth 6X and 8 Sail Fenman on the pumps.

Next to the White Hart Hotel, and after a group photograph with the Stump in the background, a long wait for what turned out to be very poor quality beer. The Batemans 5G was not available, so most chose the house ale, Coachman’s brewed by St Austell brewery. The barrel was at end of life and only just drinkable, many opting to return their pints and have them changed for Batemans XB. This resulted in that beer running out, leaving a couple to enjoy something not related to real ale.

Group Photo at the White Hart Hotel Moon Under Water

Better news at the next pub, the Moon Under Water, where the usual three national beers were on, together with guest ales. The Grainstore Rutland Beast was in very good condition as was the Titanic Plum Porter. Those wishing to also took lunch.

Next the Church Keys where Batemans Wellie Warmer was on. This was a rebadged Rosey Nosey, and passed its best before date. A pity because this is a lovely quirky pub. At this point we were joined by our Regional Director, Robert Hamnett-Day, who was en-route from a meeting at Louth.

Church Keys Kings Arms

A walk passed the Stump and down Wormgate took in Goodbarns Yard with Adnams Ghost Ship, Timothy Taylors Landlord and Old Specked Hen available. The Carpenters Arms had its Batemans beers on offer, all in good condition.

The route then was across Central Park to Wide Bargate and the Kings Arms, which had Batemans XB on. With evening arriving, the group then split up with Rob heading for his train to Grantham. Paul and Geoff walked up to The Mill, near the Hospital, a restaurant with Batemans available, but only seating outside for drinkers as it was full. Three others headed for the station via the Stump and Candle in the Market Place, which had Draught Bass and Brains SA on hand pump, both in good condition.