
Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

January 2015 - Surfleet & Surfleet Seas End

Crown Inn, Surfleet

Meeting at the Crown, Surfleet, the sixteen stout striders posed for the photo shoot beneath the Crown Inn boarding before Heather ushered everyone off over the bridge and across the road to follow the River Glen towards Surfleet Seas End - our Anniversary Walk in fact. The first sightings of snowdrops greeted the trekkers then further on a large field of sweet william, swans on the riverbank and the sun was out.

Ship, Surfleet Seas End The Ship (enough Ssss already !) Inn was reached, coats removed and samples of ale supped (enough!) which included the local Bakestraw Bitter from Austendyke and Milestone Vixen. The Vixen, being beyond her best, was promptly changed, with apologies from the barmaid, for the Bakestraw.

Coats were donned and buttoned up against the wind and the party trooped off towards the Riverside where Adnams Bitter, Abbot, and Bombardier awaited the verdict of the imbibers. A generally good report on the condition of the ales was given and it was interesting (maybe?) to note that the pub has two dartboards.

On then via the road back to the Crown where Motueka (translation please Heather) 4% single hop NZ Amber Ale was on offer, which may have been on especially for Heather, though it has to be noted - brewed by Marstons. Excellent lunches were soon served and a record broken in that 16 different vegetables were counted and very tasty they were too. Heather was warmly thanked by all for arranging the walk and the hospitality at the Crown.