
Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

February 2015 - Boston

A sunny day greeted the eager trekkers as they met outside the Napoleon Inn for a photoshoot, then armed with copies of the day's itinerary and information sheet provided by Martin they set off across the Maud Foster Drain bridge.

On past Scott House and then a walk round Hussey Tower and it was then time to visit Boston Grammar School where Martin conducted a guided tour which evoked reminiscences from some. On then past Fydell House, Guildhall, Blackfriars Art Centre, and also Shodfriars - a relevance to our guide, no less.

Hussey Tower Boston Grammar School Boston Grammar School

With immaculate timing it was opening time and a few steps saw the tourists enter the Ship for excellent pints of XB. On then across the Market Place and over the new footbridge and a promenade alongside the River Witham to Sluice Bridge and into the Witham Tavern. The pub was packed with drinkers and diners with Olde Trip being the beer on; again a brew in fine form.

Boston Stump

After downing pints it was next stop the Stump where Fen folk had the opportunity to sit in the choir stalls and wander round this fine church and take in the craftsmanship of the building.

Boston Stump - The walkers contemplate lunch Lunch at the Napoleon

It was then time to take to the town and a pleasant walk along Windsor Bank by the Maud Foster Drain and eventually the Nap where XB, Black & White, and Hooker (4.5%) awaited the thirsty travellers. Lunch was duly served and thanks were given to Martin for a splendid guided tour and the thoughts that a benchmark may have been set for future such forays.