Plough, Horbling Beer Festival
The Plough at Horbling held its first (as far as we know) beer festival 21st/22nd September. Jonathan Wilcox and Su have been in charge of the parish owned pub for just a few months and even though new to the trade such is their enthusiasm that they have launched their first beer festival. A dozen beers were on offer from breweries far and wide - in fact some Fenland members who compliment themselves on knowing many of the breweries actually came across 2 that were new to them - Kite of Gorslas, Carmarthanshire (set up in 2011) with Thunderbird (4.5%), and WJ King of Horsham with Brighton Blond (3.9%) - or Blonde on the pumpclip. Local breweries also figured such as Poachers, Hykeham Gold, and Brewsters - with their Stilton Porter. Cider aficionados were not ignored with Hogan's Pickers Passion, Gwynt y Ddraig fiery fox, and Mr Whiteheads Boxing Dog.
The marquee in the car park kept the beer tickers free from any threat of inclement weather and their beer lists dry. Cask ale lovers are hoping that this first venture is a success and that it prompts further beer festivals at the Plough.